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December 2nd, 2016 @ 12:44pm

So hey there, this is Kaycee and I have both Kurt and Sebastian back. I don't know if I friended everyone, but I tried. If I didn't, poke me here and I will. Also if anyone needs me, I am greektragedy24 on AIM.

Also, I will be updating backstory as I go. Kurt and Blaine are divorced. Kurt is trying to get into the fashion world. He had stayed home to take care of Blaine, but that damaged his career on stage, and he doesn't really want to go back to school.

Bas is doing well on Broadway, currently starring in Book of Mormon. He graduated from Julliard a few years ago and is on the rise. He and Blaine were engaged, but we will see what happens now.

Love to all, Missed everyone,

(Also, I am in retail, so I'll be kind of slow.)
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October 25th, 2016 @ 11:43am

It's been pointed out to me that I haven't really updated anyone on what's going on, and I get the feeling that it's causing annoyance, and so this post has come to pass. This will be crossposted, just a head's up for those who are in more than one game with me.

It has come to the point where I have to leave. My life isn't conducive to roleplay right now, I still have no idea what's going on with my health stuff because the insurance won't pay for me to see a specialist, and I have Hoshimodo's, which is a disease that attacks your thyroid. I am sorry that this is a problem. It shouldn't be. It could be cancerous, it runs in our family, the women in my family have all had some kind of problem with their thyroid.

Right now, it's hard for me to even get up out of bed to face another day. RP isn't the top thing on my mind. I know all that I am losing, and it makes me sick to even think about it. I hope that one day I can come back. I have had so much bad luck with games, and other players, that when I find a game I really like and have no issues in, I really like to stay. I hate to leave all of my lines, I really and truly do. It's hard to not be able to play when your characters' voices are so loud in your head. I know that many of you will be able to agree on that point.

I am so sorry, this is coming out of nowhere, I know that, and if anyone wants to continue one day in a psl, you cam contact me and I will do my best to accommodate when I can. I really hate to do this, you have no idea. But right now I just can't commit to rp.

I can never say I'm sorry enough, it's not fair of me to leave everyone hanging, and I am sorry for that, and now everything can go on for now.

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September 6th, 2016 @ 3:09am

So, tis Julia, and I am officially taking a hiatus. Not sure how long I'll be gone for just yet, but for at least a couple of weeks. I have something wrong with my thyroid, and it could potentially be cancer. I am way too stressed out right now for rp, as much as I hate to be away from rp, right now it's how it has to be.

I an still available through email.
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August 8th, 2016 @ 9:46am

So.... I know I'm already on a slowatius, but that is going to get even slower. I've got a lot of health issues going on, and I might have two surgeries coming up. I will still need to rp for the distraction, but I'm super stressed right now and I can't promise I'll be around as often as I usually am. This will be cross-posted, and if you need to get a hold of me for whatever reason, email is the best way. Believe me, I'd rather be rping than stressing out about what's going on right now. It could be serious.

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May 14th, 2016 @ 5:33pm

Roll call!

Just checking how many of you we still have! Reply to this post and let us know if you're dropping anyone.
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March 27th, 2016 @ 6:51am

SO. Yesterday was B's birthday. Does anyone wants to thread it?
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February 9th, 2016 @ 5:43pm

So, ladies and gent, this is Julia, and I haves another lost sibling for Rachel. A TRIPLET NAMED LACEY GARCIA. She was raised by two Latina moms in San Diego, who died when she was just 17. She was raised by a grandmother and then moved to LA to become a singer. She is now getting to be pretty famous, so it will help with the omg Rachel I saw your face thing. I have added her to the friends button, so ya'll HIT IT!!!!!!! YA HEAR? LMAO

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December 7th, 2015 @ 8:53am

So, I am in need of major distractions, if anyone wants to do anything gdoc or threading, just speak up. I haves a lot of kids here, everyone should know most of them, LOL.

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November 12th, 2015 @ 7:49pm

So, tis Julia, I am having issues sleeping, and my back is still a bit out of whack, so I will be taking a hiatus for about a week, so I can hopefully get this all straightened out. It might be less than that, I'll have to see.

You can still contract me, it will just have to be through email, so if you have plots you need to talk over or whatever feel free to email me.

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October 15th, 2015 @ 11:11pm

So I very narrowly escaped being in some major trouble, and I am feeling really guilty. I should be, I was really stupid. Anyway, point being, I'm not taking a hiatus but I'm going to be a bit slow for a few days, I don't much feel like rping. I really can't believe how much I seem to try and self sabotage sometimes.


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